Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor

The Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor is a cutting-edge device that adds a new layer of intelligence and convenience to your smart home. This compact sensor is designed to detect the presence or absence of individuals within a specific area, making it an ideal addition for home automation and security systems. With its precise and reliable technology, the FP2 ensures that your smart home responds to your presence or absence accurately and in real-time.




$194.00incl GST



The Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor is a cutting-edge device that adds a new layer of intelligence and convenience to your smart home. This compact sensor is designed to detect the presence or absence of individuals within a specific area, making it an ideal addition for home automation and security systems. With its precise and reliable technology, the FP2 ensures that your smart home responds to your presence or absence accurately and in real-time.

One of the standout features of the Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor is its seamless integration into the Aqara ecosystem and other popular smart home platforms, such as Apple HomeKit. This integration allows you to create customized automation routines based on your presence or absence. For instance, you can trigger your lights to turn on when you enter a room or set your heating system to adjust automatically when you leave. The FP2 empowers you to maximize energy efficiency, improve security, and create a more comfortable living environment with ease.

With its wide detection range, long-lasting battery life, and wireless connectivity, the Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor offers a versatile solution for various smart home applications. Whether you're looking to make your lighting and climate control systems more responsive, enhance your home security, or simply streamline your daily routines, the Aqara FP2 Presence Sensor is a reliable and intelligent addition to your smart home setup. It provides an effective way to make your home more intuitive and tailored to your needs.